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Joint winners for 2021 Epigram Books Fiction Prize

The Epigram Books Fiction Prize which started in 2015 to promote contemporary Singapore writing has announced two winners for 2021. This is the first time there were joint winners and the first time an author has won twice. Congratulations to the two winners and finalists!

Meihan Boey's book is a historical romance set in Singapore in the 1890s and blends comedy and horror.

In 2020, the award was opened to writers from ASEAN countries. Malaysian Joshua Kam won the award in 2020 for his book, How the Man in Green Saved Pahang, and Possibly the World'.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the award ceremony had to be held virtually and Epigram founder, Edmund Wee redirected the savings to raise the number of shortlists from four to six. The largest fiction prize in Singapore which was SGD25,000 was raised to SGD30,000 with the four other finalists receiving SGD5,000 each.

Watch the virtual award ceremony which features fascinating snippets of their stories from the six finalists: Singaporeans Meihan Boey, Sebastian Sim, Daryl Qilin Yam, Pallavi Gopinath Aney and Wesley Leon Aroozoo, and Malaysian H.Y. Yeang.

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