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  • Writer's pictureAlda Trisda

Arys Hilman As The New President of IKAPI (Indonesian Publishers Association)

Arys Hilman, was choosen to be the new IKAPI President succeeding Rosidayati Rozalina, who chaired the organisation from 2015-2020.

Hilman gave an official address and communicated the success of achieving the organizational goals on the 5-year plan, which involved strategic planning and work programming; revising the articles of the association and budget plan (AD/ART), discussing actual issues regarding the literary field; and selecting a committee president to work in the next 5-year period from 2020-2025. He summarized the main goal of the next 5-year period basing on Article 7 i.e., to invigorate the function and role of literary work in the society by pushing the literary industry forward, especially since it has shown a decline in the last decade as a direct impact of digitalisation. Moreover, the effects of COVID-19 have slowed down the recovery of printed books. This is also not merely an issue of technology, but also an issue of the role of literacy. Society has been appealed with electronic entertainments and booksh have slowly lost their meaning. This adds to the strain of producing quality books as well as the quantity, regulation issues, commercialisation, literary institutions, and piracy.

He iterated the organisation vision:

“to create a solid committee within IKAPI that strives to support its members and become a publishing representative that is independent, modern, and capable in collaborating with partners to develop a healthy literary ecosystem.”

The following missions are a result of the abovementioned vision:

  • building an harmonious organisational community,

  • creating a respectable representative,

  • developing local/regional publishing,

  • improving publishers’ adaptability to the new climate in literacy,

  • establishing an independent organization that can foster collaborations.

And as operational and concrete steps, Hilman communicated the following: setting up monthly dialogues with regional branches, creating a harmonious schedule of events, representing opinions of regional members, involving regional members in national and international events, and organizing training and certification programs.

Regional Members

The National Regulations of Literary System states mandates the support for regional government: supplying suppletmary textbooks; establishing book stores; improving reading interest; facilitating material input for textbooks. PP no 75/2019 regarding the application of the National Regulation UU no 3/2017 also discusses the facilitation of book distribution through infrastructural developments.

Educational Books

Central government has the right and responsibility to establish a healthy literary system to provide quality, affordable, and equally distributed books.


With issues regarding technology, a few strategies can be implemented: creating ongoing training on technology regarding literary practices and providing in-depth training for publishers about IP transactions, book-to-film adaptation, merchandise, audiobook, IP marketing, etc.


A few steps can be taken to address this issue:

  1. regulations,

  2. actions (repercussions),

  3. persuasion (virtual market for original books),

  4. and education (raising awareness).

In addition to strict regulations, IKAPI will closely observe the matter of piracy and provide support for dealing with piracy accusations, representing publishers or management teams, lobbying for stricter regulations, campaigning for original books, and educating society to truly appreciate intellectual property.

Hilman put an emphasis on the importance of supporting its members, He further advocated for an overall collaboration in facing such unprecedented changes in the literary world and to create a more independent, sophisticated, and respectable organisation.

The speech as The New President of IKAPI (In Indonesian language)

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